Full-service Veteran-owned Consulting & Marketing Firm
working with projects of all sizes & scope!


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KPI Analytics & Conversion Rate Experts

Veteran Owned Consulting & Marketing will learn your KPI & Conversion Rate Objectives and then work with you to develop a campaign; from creative & production services to strategic advisory, media placement, media tracking & reporting, digital & social media campaigns, post-campaign analytics and full review.

Veteran Owned Consulting & Marketing also works with organizations on smaller stand-alone projects such as creative strategy, budgeting, social media, web site design, SEO, SEM, media placement, PR and any other marketing and/or advertising needs for your business.


"Marketing metrics are important because they provide you with the information you need to make critical decisions that enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of your marketing efforts."

- Judson Willis, President and Chief Marketing Officer

Meet Our Team
Veteran Owned Marketing

KPI Analytics & Conversion Rates

To effectively execute your marketing plan, you need to start with insights from good data.

KPI (key performance indicator) is a type of performance measurement.

KPIs evaluate the success of an organization or of a particular activity (such as projects, programs, products and other initiatives) in which it engages.

KPIs provide a focus for strategic and operational improvement, create an analytical basis for decision making and help focus attention on what matters most.

  • Performance measurement of your activities
  • Producing actionable business insights
  • Turn data into informed decisions
  • Monitor & improve conversion rates

Veteran Owned Marketing Services

Full-Service Advertising & Marketing

  • Strategic Advisory
  • Creative Development
  • Full Production Services
  • Media Placement
  • Media Tracking & Reporting
  • Digital & Social Media Creative
  • Post Campaign Follow Up Analytics

Looking to boost your marketing results?

Start with good data & insights.

Let's Talk